Soumik Das

Preferred Tech Stacks


Frameworks i knowFrameworks i knowFrameworks i knowFrameworks i knowFrameworks i knowFrameworks i know


Frameworks i knowFrameworks i knowFrameworks i knowFrameworks i knowFrameworks i know


Languages i knowLanguages i knowLanguages i know

My Projects


my projects


it's a quick notes keeping application that provides a convenient way to create and organize quick notes with cloud save features made with React & Firebase

my projects


Covid Updates & News provides users with up-to-date pandemic info. Users can view current stats & News for countries around the world - made with React Native

my projects


Welcome to OIRAM, the game that's not a Mario clone xD! a browser-based wacky adventurous survival game that runs with the help of p5.js

my projects


a 3D website that features stunning animations that activate as the user scrolls! I designed this for one of my favourite new startups, @Nothing phones

my projects


a functional social media platform frontend inspired from Twitter and Insta populated with JsonPlaceHolder mock data, made with Vue.js

my projects


a Discord bot that uses OpenAI's GPT 3 learning model to generate text responses. made with node.js, discord api and openai's gpt 3 api

my projects


Enhanced Duplicate Image Analyzer is a command-line application written in C that helps you efficiently find and delete duplicate images in a directory

my projects


a single RPAS/Drone that can be used operate on Air, Water and Land that can be utilized for various purposes like surveillance, delivery and etc.

my projects


a simple calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations written in intel - 8086 Assembly Language


I am still working on some of the projects and I don't want to present any unfinished works here. So, as soon as I complete them I will be adding them here 👍 ~ till then you can check out my GitHub profile for all the latest repos: